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Blog (29)


DAWN AT THE DUNES The first in Sand Dunes Collection by Janet Koelling. Stories of footprints, wind, the perpetual sands in the hourglass. All sweep these peaks and valleys.

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Friday, 21 June 2013 20:46

Gold Beyond Goes to Congress

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The offices of US Senator Michael Bennett have selected Kerry Koepping’s “Gold Beyond” to be part of its Colorado Collection. The 60”x46”artwork will be displayed at the Russell Senate building in Washington D.C.. The Collection represents works from twenty Colorado artists and showcases the state as a dynamic hotbed for…
The Portland Japanese Garden Jury has selected three images by Kerry Koepping of KoKoWorld Photo to be included in their upcoming special collections. “Japanese Silk” was chosen to appear in the 2013-2014 Japanese Garden Collectors Series Calendar. Encantada and Roba will be showcased in a new “Themed Collector Card Series”…
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 14:32

Obachan in Fall

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Amidst 4 days of pouring rain, we were fortunate enough to witness the changing colors of the Portland Japanese Garden's infamous Maple. The image is named Obachan for its grandmother type presence, The "Old Lady of the Forest"is an inspiration and mystery. Those that view it seem to see something…
Tuesday, 21 May 2013 14:31

Tear Drop Antelope Canyon

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What is quickly becoming one our favorite places to shoot in North America, the Desert Southwest is a land full of rich colors, sweeping lines and artisan emotions that really speak to the heart when one is curious enough to hear.

Blogs by KoKo

  • Littleton Museum's "Eye of the Camera" exhibit awards First Place to Janet Koelling's "Transitional Majesty."
    Come out and see Littleton Museum's "Eye of the Camera" exhibit that opens Friday, Feb 20, 2015, and continues through March. Janet Koelling's piece "Transitional Majesty" was awarded First Place in the Color Division during…
    Written on Friday, 20 February 2015 17:02
  • Denver's Santa Fe Art District exhibit by Janet Koelling
    Three days left to view Denver's Santa Fe Art District exhibit by Janet Koelling. Four of Koelling's pieces are on display from May 11 through June 16.  The juried selections include: "Reiki Light and Energy", "Mother…
    Written on Friday, 13 June 2014 21:05
  • KoKo Photos placed into CO ART Juried Exhibit - Santa Fe Art District
    First Fridays at Santa Fe's Art District have become a Denver phenomena in recent years. The event is now expanded to 3rd Fridays as well. For the next month, you can see four of Janet…
    Written on Friday, 09 May 2014 22:35
  • "Reiki" Light and Energy
    Congratulations to Janet Koelling! From among the 438 outstanding entries, Reiki Light and Energy was selected to be in Exploring the Light 2014 annual photo show at at the Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons…
    Written on Monday, 03 March 2014 17:21
  • Mother Nature Rests
    "Mother Nature Rests" by Janet Koelling, was accepted into the EYE OF THE CAMERA Exhibition at the Littleton Museum. It will be on display throughout the month of February, 2014, and eligible to win the…
    Written on Friday, 07 February 2014 16:14
  • Alpen Awakening in God's Country
    Sun danced through clouds, painting a warm, alpen glow on Mt. Sneffels in the San Juan mountain range of Southwest Colorado. The frigid fall morning welcomed 5 inches of crystal, white snow. While awaiting another…
    Written on Friday, 25 October 2013 20:38
  • Reflections Of Change
    The still reflections of fall's last breath. A snow covered Mt Sneffels reflects its changing drama in a quiet beaver pond in the southwestern edge of the Colorado Rockies. The San Juan Mountain range is…
    Written on Thursday, 24 October 2013 21:40
  • Icebergs in the Midnight Sun
    Arctic Arts Jokullsarlon- For good or ill, change is a constant. Environmentally speaking, climate change appears as a rapid course of kinetic evolution. As the human existence is wrapped in questions both profound and complex…
    Written on Thursday, 26 September 2013 16:25
  • New Arctic Arts Project Images
    New Arctic Arts Project Images. Icy blue Glacial River Flows makes for great art.
    Written on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 17:47
  • Iceberg Sunset
    Iceland keeps getting more epic. Some how that word isn't strong enough for the day I had. This is Jokularlon at sunset. The blue ice changes to white as the ancient glacial ice is exposed…
    Written on Monday, 15 July 2013 00:00