In creating images in photography, I hope to communicate a feeling of awe and a sense of mystery about a moment in time and space. Many such moments are noticed by others, but taken for granted. Perhaps my photo expression will evoke the deep feeling or exquisite mystery for our universe that I felt in capturing the moment.
It begins with a perception. I ask myself, “Is this an experience of majesty, power, wonder, or transformation?” Then I nurture a photo vision of the moment. My task is more than a matter of capturing the image. It is the challenge of communicating the perception between my soul and the spirit of the beholder. It leaves questions to the beholderm questions of, “ What is the story behind this?” “How or when did this moment occur?” “What is beyond?”
While photography is intensely human, it is my intent in each photo to transform the eye to the divine. It is my desire that my soul, my very spirit will touch your spirit through my expression of photography. By way of my photo expression, may you breathe more deeply, feel more complete, savour life in a new way.
Janet Koelling’s award-winning Fine Art photographs has been featured in galleries, published in books, catalogues, internet, and magazines throughout the world. Koelling has professionally created photos for 25 years using large and medium format film and evolving into digital. She is an exclusive photographer for IStock by Getty Images. In addition to working professionally for major sporting events, social events and corporate occasions, Koelling is a Visual Story Teller for the American Red Cross.
View KoKoWorld Photos Stock photography imagery by Janet Koelling at As an Exclusive, Bronze-level photographer for IStockphoto, Janet Koelling's photo portfolio is ranked among the top 9% of imagery worldwide. Some images from the KoKoPhoto portfolio are in the Vetta elite collection and also available at Getty Images.
The KoKoPhoto portfolio showcases photos servicing industries ranging from "Oil & Gas", "Holidays", "Religion", to "Food & Beverage" images.